- Mobile Phone
- OK Mobile
OK Mobile Mobile Price in Bangladesh 2024
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OK Mobile Price In Bangladesh
OK Mobile is the first company to produce mobile phones directly in their own factory in Bangladesh. This is why it is also popularly called the first made in Bangladesh mobile company. There are other popular brands such as Walton and Symphony which are also known as Bangladeshi companies. But these brands actually import devices from Chinese brands such as Gionee and re-brand them with their own name.
The brand officially started to market its products on end of July 2014. The first ever produced smartphone from them is OK K5. In the year 2010, Kazi Jashimul Islam had a thought of producing Bangladeshi made handsets. Afterwards, under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) they have made a contract with the government to build a mobile phone assembly plant. They are also planning to bring tabs, PSTN handsets and internet modem in the market.
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